L’énergie des marées. Hier, aujourd’hui, demain (Ewan Sonnic [dir.], 2021)

Emeritus researcher, CNRS, UMR Sirice (Paris)

Energie des marées
Bibliographic reference

Ewan Sonnic (dir.), L’énergie des marées. Hier, aujourd’hui, demain (Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2021).


Tidal energy has undoubtedly a history but also a future whose contours remain to be defined. This renewable energy has left many archaeological traces, in particular tidal mills frequent on both sides of the Atlantic. Then, in the 20th C., after many studies, tidal power plants became a reality, in particular with the construction of the Rance, the largest plant of this type in the world for 40 years. Despite this, why so few achievements? The book puts forward some interesting explanations. However, the current environmental demands could give a second chance to this technology. In the end however, the technical, financial, and human obstacles along with the choice of alternative solutions prove to be a brake to the expansion of tidal power.